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The Everything DiSC® Model of Behavioral Styles

The Everything DiSC ® Model of Behavioral Styles from Wiley Publishing (formerly Inscape) is used to understand natural styles of people. This can be used throughout our training programs to better understand people. The DiSC® model stands for Dominance, Influencing, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. Here is a general look at some of the work behavior characteristics of each style.

Dominance Style Work Behavior Characteristics

The easiest behavioral style to recognize is the Dominance style. Dominance types will be direct and forceful. They will usually talk fast, have definite opinions and like to make things happen.

These individuals are dominant, powerful and results oriented people who enjoy challenges and will make quick decisions. Their emphasis is to shape their environment by overcoming opposition and get the results they want.

They have a strong need to accomplish results, and will overcome (or run-over) any obstacles in their way. They like to take charge, make decisions and solve tough problems. They thrive on power, prestige and authority.

Influence Style Work Behavior Characteristics

The second behavioral style that is easy to recognize is the Influence style. They’re interested in shaping the environment by bringing others into alliance to get results. Like the Dominance style, the Influence style also wants results, but also cares about people.

They influence others to see things their way and enjoy public recognition for their accomplishments. They are excellent communicators and always try to make a good first impression. They motivate their people and love to generate enthusiasm. They entertain tirelessly and enjoy helping others.

Their goals are popularity and social recognition. They must have freedom to express themselves, and freedom from control and details. They will want to chat with you about anything that is on their mind. You may have a problem keeping their interest when you start to chat about the “details.”

Steadiness Style Work Behavior Characteristics

The Steadiness style likes to cooperate with others to carry out a task. They are a team player and prefer dealing with things, one thing at a time.

They are patient, loyal, and will always listen to somebody else’s problems. They want to fit into the group. They have mastered a special skill – they are great at calming down excited people (especially the influential types).

The Steadiness style has traditional values, and likes to receive credit for their work. They don’t like changes and will react negatively to abrupt changes. They appreciate an orderly “step-by-step” approach. Show interest in them as people and find areas of common involvement.

Conscientiousness Style Work Behavior Characteristics

The Conscientiousness style is cautious and demands quality. They follow standards, preferably, their standards. They are sticklers for detail, and want to work under known conditions and written procedures.

They will always follow the rules and are critical thinkers who love to check for accuracy. They dislike sudden changes, because they’ll need time to analyze the reasons for the change. They take more time making a decision because they need more information or may want to double check something or “run one more test”.

Sapphire Consulting partners with DiSC approved distributors and experts to facilitate maximum learning environments. Please call Jim Kimberly to discuss how the DiSC can be helpful to you and your management team.

Insights on How to Improve the Motivational Climate

The Dominance Style - High D

The best style to use with a Dominance personality type is to be clear, concise, and to the point. Don’t lecture or waste their time. Stick to business, describe the results you want and let them do it. Don’t get too personal.

Be prepared when you meet with them. Always look and sound professional; don’t appear disorganized or look sloppy. Avoid telling them how to do something.

Provide multiple choices for them. Whenever possible, let them make the decision on how to do something. High D’s are motivated by personal control through a direct style. Compliment them for their personal effort at getting results! Avoid making any decision for them.

Dominant types are concerned with the “bottom line.” Ask them about their career plans and time tables. Show them how they accomplish their results by helping you get yours.

The High D’s greatest fear: Being taken advantage of and losing control.

The Influencing Style - High I

A High I enjoys popularity and social recognition. They are also very interested in results. Recognize and compliment them often because they crave public recognition. Understand they prefer to express themselves verbally and they dislike paperwork and details.

Take the time to get to know them socially as well as at work. Ask them about their family, friends and after work activities. Talk with them about your family, friends and outside activities.

Remember, High I’s love compliments – any compliments. Avoid being “cold or tight lipped” with them. They’ll want to talk a lot and have fun. Talk about people issues and their personal goals at work and outside.

Tie your objectives to their dreams and goals. Put details in writing and pin down the specific actions they agreed to do or they may forget. Provide ideas to help them carry out these actions. Plan more time for follow-up than with other types. Explain how reaching your goals will make them look good to others in the organization.

The High I’s greatest fear: Loss of social approval.

The Steadiness Style - High S

Steady types are motivated by personal stability through an indirect style. For best results interact with them in a relaxed and non-threatening environment. Avoid being domineering or demanding. They prefer a more casual and informal approach.

Take time to get to know them personally. Ask about their family, friends and leisure time activities. Talk with them about your family, friends and outside activities. Like the High I style, the High S also likes to socialize.

Provide them with specifics on how you want things done. They will want your help in prioritizing multiple activities. They like to deal with things one at a time (sequentially), so avoid overloading them with activities. Offer specific directions and step-by-step procedures.

High S types are loyal team players, so recognize their contributions to “the team.” Schedule regular performance reviews. High S types want to be part of the group so include them when possible. Be sure to compliment them for a job they do well. High S types want to know their work is appreciated and recognized. Share your sincere gratitude for their help in making things run smoothly or for solving a problem.

Provide them with advance notification when a change in work effort is required. Steady types do not like change and want to feel secure. Assure them you have thought things through before initiating changes. Provide them with reasons why a change is needed and how it will make the operation run smoother. Detail any implementation procedures in writing when possible. Again, give plenty of advance notice before making a change. Provide Steady S types with a plan to deal with problems when they occur.

The High S’ greatest fear: Loss of stability in their environment.

The Conscientiousness Style - High C

When dealing with High C types keep in mind they are motivated by quality and accuracy in their work. They want to do the job the right way. They prefer a low key indirect style.

Provide them with plenty of details. They require more detailed information than any other style. They will greatly appreciate it when you allow them enough time to prepare properly for a meeting or client interaction. This is especially true for sales presentations and demonstrations.

Approach them in a straight-forward way and stick to business. Unlike the High I or High S styles, avoid getting personal too fast. Also be careful when criticizing their work. They become very sensitive and introverted if they feel the quality of their work is in question.

High C types dislike sudden changes because they need time to analyze the reasons for the change. They have trouble accepting a change in direction until they’ve had time to think through a situation. They always want more information.

Present specifics and avoid exaggerating. The High C type of personality follows the rules. They are critical thinkers and love to check for accuracy. Expect longer interactions because they’ll ask many “why” questions. Patience will be required of the High D and High I types.

Expect the High C personality style to verify the reliability of the information they receive. Even when they get all the facts they have to decide issues for themselves. Compliment them on the quality of the job they do and their logical approach to business.

Build your credibility by offering both the pros and cons of an issue. If not, they will take the time to look themselves. Gimmicks or quick maneuvers will backfire and the compliant personality type will not listen to you.

The High C’s greatest fear: Criticism of their work, efforts or actions by others.